Where can I contact you?

Either on Twitter, Newgrounds, or at my email phearmail985@gmail.com (if you'd for some reason prefer email???)

Do you take commissions?

Cashapp only, but yes! Check out my commission sheet below.

Can you help me with my own project?

We'd have to discuss details, but should I be interested, yeah I could help out.

Can I repost your art?

Give me (Phear Ai (pronounced fear, idiot!)) credit and you should be fine.

Who are you? What do you like? Where are you?

Who I am, or my whereabouts are of no concern to you.

What softwares do you use?

Firealpaca for artworks, and Unity Godot for game development.

Can I draw your characters?

YES PLEASE I BEG OF YOU, I love seeing people draw them!... as long as it's not w e i r d o arts.

Do you take art requests?

...absolutely n o t. Do n o t ask me that again...