
January 23rd:

It's been quite some time since I last updated this... oops! To make it up to all 1 person reading this, I'll spell out some ideas I have for my art this year.

I wanna showcase more of my characters' worlds and background, I hope that has been shining so far with me drawing some more obscure characters... also more Blue and Kat, lots of Blue and Kat... My hope is I showcase enough of what my characters are about so that people can finally latch on and grow more attached to em. Sure sharing lore and details in discord dms is fun, but the public need to know that Miya is an absolute doofus, or that Kana lives in a self refurbished mansion in the woods, or that Blue and Kat are awesome.

In even cooler news, I'm developing my next game! I hope to have it done by July, or at least presentable by then to get a demo at the next SAGE event. Its rather small scale and very arcade like, with a good chunk of the movement and player mechanics already done. If all goes smoothly, I could totally see myself hitting the July deadline, but I'm also lazy as hell so dont hold me to that :)


July 21st:

I've been a little stumped, I wanna make this site more lively... but I'm not sure how to. I've thought about having the background animate, maybe I'd do that... though it might also be too distracting? Also thought about adding line boil to the boxes around the site but ehhhh.

I added a little gif that you can download to link to my site, saw those around some other sites and figured it was a fun little idea, feel free to use it! Wonder if one day I'd ever see it in the wild. As for the side you'd be linking to, definitely will liven this place up some in the coming months. Feels too sterile to me, I want it to be something you could just stare at and get lost with for a while.

June 22nd:

Exactly a month since the last post, wow! Yesterday I was talking with a friend as we were drawing commissions, and during the conversation, he mentioned he finally set up proper prices. Looking at them compared to mine they were much higher, which made me think about raising mine. Asking him and one other about it, they both agreed I should raise it, and after feedback from them both, I upped my prices some.

The new prices are: $10 for a sketch, $17 for color, and $20 for shaded. $15 now for complex backgrounds too... for the few that want em. As for why I've increased them, I realize now with all these comms stacking up that I'm working myself for too little profit. To everyone that will say i shouldn't have raised them... shut up? please? like fr?

I'll update the commission sheet soonish so look out for that if you were interested in one! I've added more payment options, namely PayPal and Ko-fi (the Ko-fi works as a good tip jar too if you got some spare cash).

May 22nd:

For literally no reason at all, I decided to have a go at making a vertex based object creator (in Unity because it has better physics stuff than Godot). Honestly I didn't expect much to come out of it... and yeah I was right. I knew the solutions I needed to make it all work, I just didn't know the proper steps to make said solutions, and so most of the dev time was just reading through Unity Fourms and Stack Overflow. It was... kinda fun(?) but ultimately didn't amount to much... though if anyone who is smart and good at C# or gdscript wants to make that object creator with me-

Not much else has been done, kinda a slow few weeks but oh well. Productivity should resume soon, and Godot game development will kick up again soon.


May 5th:

Random urge to make an update here. Been busy, too busy to draw even... not that I've had many ideas to draw, but still.

I recently had an idea for a animation collective(I think thats the terminology) where I gather animators to put animations into monthly livestreams on youtube to play them back to back with bumpers like cable networks of old. It sounds fun and very cool and stuff... and then I remebered I've never done full length cartoons so that idea kinda died instantly.

I think I got a role as a spriter on a project too today... I hope I do good work on it. I did make it on because I do good pixel work yes, but projects with multiple people is still something I'm new to. So I hope I do well... Oh hey the day rolled over while writing!


April 27th:

I probably wont ever write this many posts (2) this quick again, but it felt right because the update is done and out now. Most of the time that went into it was just thinking of an idea for the banner art.

So now with the update out, I can go on to do other stuff, think I'll finally go full focus on mastering Godot soon as I wanna make a game real badly... though the want to do comics is kinda rearing up too... decisions are hard!


April 26th:

Had to learn line breaks just to make this. Turns out its really easy.

Anyways, I'm writing this before the website update goes out. The update was solely just to add this section at first, before i decided to go back and update the layout of various pages. I think the whole site looks neater and snazier for it... I hope it'll still run well. I dont know html that well so its basically all spaghetti code, let us hope it runs well!

I hope to use this to tell of more wordy exchanges i simply wouldnt hold on twitter. This is for like super fans I suppose... actually, I can include gifs and stuff, so I could put like sneak peeks at stuff... I'll have to remember that.

As for current work, I dont want to announce anything yet, but i am always working on something new even if its slow progress. Of course there will be new art every once in a while, but as for big projects, some are in the works. In the aftermath of Unity in September 2023, I've been familiarizing myself with Godot and wish to make my next small game in it. At some point i might also revisit Miya's game due to it having some bugs left in it that I am ashamed are still there. All in due time I suppose...



My award winning insane ramblings. Screaming nonsense into the void since 2024

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